



canned meat, dangerous biological factors, microbiological indicators, technological scheme


The article is devoted to the study of raw materials used for the production of canned meat and vegetables, in order to determine microbiological safety and identify hazardous factors of biological origin during the technological process of production. A review of the literature shows that scientists - technologists are constantly improving and offering new recipes for this type of product, adding to the main raw materials (meat, offal) plant components that have functional properties. But the main problem in the production of safe canned meat and vegetables is the quality of basic and auxiliary raw materials. During the veterinary and sanitary examination of products of slaughter of animals and poultry, meat that is classified as conditionally suitable according to the rules is sent for industrial processing, and this is the production of cooked sausages, meat loaves, canned food. Food technologists face the task of producing a high-quality and safe product from low-quality raw materials that would satisfy a person’s daily need for macro and micronutrients. The development of a technological scheme and the study of hazards in the production of canned meat and vegetables has made it possible to identify critical points during certain stages, which will reduce biological risks as a result of control. The microbiological parameters of the main raw material meet the regulatory requirements, but defrosted meat should be used immediately after thawing to prevent excessive development of the microflora.


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How to Cite

Ряполова, І., & Верешко, С. (2021). EXAMINATION OF MEAT AND VEGETABLE RAW MATERIALS IN THE PRODUCTION OF CANNED MEAT AND VEGETABLES. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (2), 37-43. https://doi.org/10.32851/tnv-tech.2021.2.5