


flour confectionery, nutritional value, nutrients, assortment


The article considers the importance of flour confectionery products in the daily diet of a person. Today, on average, the consumption of flour confectionery products per capita is up to 500 g. It has been established that flour confectionery occupies a significant share in the total volume of confectionery production and is characterized by a wide range. They can satisfy a variety of consumer needs. Information is provided on the criteria for forming the range of flour confectionery products based on various characteristics. Assortment division of flour confectionery products is carried out depending on the composition of raw materials and features of the technological process of their production, size, conditions of their sale, as well as the method of design. The list of tasks faced by food industry enterprises at the present time, depending on the needs of specific groups of the population, is given. It has been established that flour confectionery occupies an important place in the food industry of our country, and is characterized by a wide assortment, has a powerful potential – all this allows us to claim that the confectionery industry is one of the most developed in the food industry of Ukraine. The analysis of foreign literary sources showed that the shortage of micronutrients became a problem in the nutrition of the population of the economically developed countries of the world. This deficit is caused by a sharp decrease in energy consumption and a change in the diet, which does not provide the formed physiological needs in a whole range of irreplaceable food substances. This problem exists in the population of Ukraine. The lack of micronutrients in children's nutrition is of particular concern. Therefore, an effective way to eliminate the deficiency of micronutrients is to enrich food products for mass consumption with them to a level that corresponds to the physiological problems of a person. The article highlights the data of the analysis of the chemical composition and nutritional value of flour confectionery products. It has been established that flour confectionery products are characterized by an imbalance in nutrients (namely, they have a high content of fats, carbohydrates and a relatively low content of proteins, dietary fibers, unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins).


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How to Cite

Резвих, Н. І., & Федоренко, Л. Є. (2022). ANALYSIS OF THE CONSUMPTION OF FLOUR CONFECTIONERY PRODUCTS IN HUMAN NUTRITION. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (5), 77-82.