


fermented milk products, drink, ingredients.


It has been proven that dairy products occupy an important place among all food products and are the most important source of vitamins, essential amino acids and higher fatty acids. Mostly, in most countries of the world, and especially in Ukraine, cow’s milk is used in the daily human diet. The annual growth of people’s interest in fermented milk products is due to the scientifically proven positive effect on the human body. The existing methods of obtaining functional fermented milk products were analyzed and concluded that they all consist of the following stages: purification and normalization of raw materials, pasteurization, cooling, addition of leaven, fermentation and cooling to the temperature of further storage of the obtained fermented milk product. Functional ingredients are introduced at any stage of the production process: they are added with the leaven of the fermented milk product, or they are introduced into the leaven or after the addition of the leaven and fermentation. Functional fermented milk drinks are products enriched with biologically active substances, vegetable proteins, minerals, vitamins, dietary fibers, polyphenols and vegetable oils. Sour milk drinks, as is known, help to increase the body’s immunity, normalize the work of the intestines, activate metabolic processes, have high nutritional, dietary and medicinal properties. At the same time, the question of the use of additives of plant origin in the production of kefir remains relevant. After all, these components contain a significant amount of biologically active substances, vitamins, organic acids, flavonoids, etc. It is promising to introduce various plant raw materials into the recipe compositions of dairy products. A fairly wide range of plant ingredients are used as vegetable raw materials for the enrichment of dairy raw materials: berries, legumes, fruits, grains and their processing products (meal, cake, flour), various oil crops, etc.


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How to Cite

Резвих, Н. І., & Гладун, В. В. (2024). ANALYSIS OF MODERN PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGIES FUNCTIONAL DAIRY PRODUCTS. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (5), 148-153.