


bakery products, salt-free products, dietary purpose, technological processes.


The article is devoted to the important issue of predicting changes in the quality characteristics of bakery products in connection with the modification of the classic composition of products, namely the absence of salt in them. Five aspects have been identified that are affected by sodium chloride: yeast activity, gluten strength, shelf life, crust color and flavor. As a result of processing the available literary sources, technological ways have been determined that will allow to compensate or minimize the lack of salt in products for special dietary purposes. First of all, it is necessary to experimentally determine the optimal fermentation time, which will thus affect the appearance of the products. Due to the weak gluten, it is necessary to carry out delicate formation of the blanks to prevent low porosity of the crumb. In order to obtain products with high organoleptic qualities, it is necessary to include spicy herbs and/or salt substitutes in the recipe. Additionally, the nomenclature of substances that can be used in food production is defined. It is also necessary during the baking process to spray water over the surface of the workpieces to obtain a more intense color of the crust. At the customer’s request, the shelf life can be extended by using special food additives, since such bakery products will be sold within a day, i.e., the guaranteed shelf life. The conducted scientific research is the basis for conducting experimental studies on the development of a technological scheme and optimization of the production processes of saltfree bakery products for dietary purposes for people who have kidney disease, hypertension or are on hormone therapy. The obtained data are important for forecasting the results of technological operations and provide for the prevention of negative results in the production of the specified type of products.


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How to Cite

Резвих, Н. І., Масюткін, Р. А., & Гладун, В. В. (2024). STUDY OF THE TECHNOLOGICAL FEATURES OF THE PRODUCTION OF SALT-FREE BREAD PRODUCTS. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (5), 154-158.

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