vegetable raw materials, functional products, flour confectionery products, cupcakes, organoleptic evaluationAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the possibility of creating functional flour confectionery products from vegetable raw materials that have a prebiotic effect. Dietary fiber belonging to prebiotics and contained in plant components are not broken down in the large intestine, able to ensure the growth of beneficial microflora. Pumpkin is one of the local plant functional products. It is established that the addition of functional raw materials to the prescription composition of cupcakes allows to ensure the daily requirement of vitamin C due to a combination of pumpkin and wheat bran, vitamin B1, B2 – oatmeal and wheat bran, PP – wheat bran, beta-carotene – due to pumpkin puree. It is known that pumpkin puree changes the structure and moisture of the finished product. The data obtained show that with increasing dosage of puree, the humidity of the dough and finished products increases, which is due to the high moisture content in the pumpkin puree. The porosity changes accordingly. In the second variant, the finished products have a uniform and welldefined thin-walled porosity. The results of the organoleptic evaluation conducted by experts on a five-point scale show that the version of cakes with the addition of 20% pumpkin puree has the highest total score and is only 0.1 unit inferior to the control sample. Profile assessment of organoleptic properties shows that in the second version of the cupcakes have the correct shape, uniform thickness, pleasant pronounced taste and smell. The obtained results show that the introduction of vegetable raw materials and oatmeal and wheat bran improves the organoleptic properties of flour confectionery products, allows to enrich them with dietary fiber, increases micronutrients, especially vitamin C, ß – carotene.
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