


baked goods, high quality, international standards, gluten-free production.


The article is devoted to the topical issue of our time, namely the quality of gluten-free food products within the framework of international standards. This priority direction of studying the quality characteristics of gluten-free bakery products was of interest to domestic scientists, but the analysis of samples was mostly carried out using modern application software packages and international experience was not covered. Therefore, for the stable development of the industry, it is necessary to conduct a comparative characterization of the existing regulatory documents. It is summarized that the market of gluten-free products grows annually and has a stable trend of development in Ukraine and abroad. Based on available sources, it was determined that among the five existing domestic manufacturers, only two craft bakeries (bakeries «Inaksha» and «Bezgrishna bakery», which are located in Kyiv) certified their own developments, while the other three operate without a corresponding certificate of conformity. Since the presence of such confirmation of the safety of products guarantees their high quality, a conclusion was made about the need to develop the industry in the gluten direction. The basic European standards for gluten-free food products, namely AEOCS, BRCGS and EU technical regulations, were analyzed. The characteristics of regulatory documents are summarized, and their features are also given. Modern requirements for gluten-free bakery products, quality indicators and control methods are presented. As a result of theoretical studies, a generalized table is given regarding the requirements of the considered standards for the production and actual gluten-free bakery products. Prospects for further research determine the ratio of quality indicators of the developed products of craft production with the requirements of standards in laboratory conditions to confirm their safety and the possibility of certification.


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An official website of the BRCGS. A trusted route to market. URL: https://www. tary-module- 12-aoecs-gluten-free-foods/p-677/

An official website of the SGS group. Crossed grain symbol gluten-free product certification. URL: gluten-free-certification-services/crossed-grain-symbol-gluten-free-product-certifica tion.

An official website of the European Union. About the Regulation. URL: https:// od_en



How to Cite

Дзюндзя, О. В., & Резніченко, А. В. (2022). MODERN QUALITY REQUIREMENTS FOR GLUTEN-FREE BREAD PRODUCTS. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (4), 55-63.