



sausages, fat, meat products, phenolic compounds, formulation, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons


As a result of the research, a conclusion was made regarding the possibility of minimizing the content of PAHs in cooked hot-smoked sausages with the smoke produced by the rotting of cod. At the same time, a decrease in the content of PAHs should not necessarily be associated with a low content of desired phenolic compounds, since the relationship between the content of PAHs and phenol has not been established. The parameter that most affects the PAH content is Smoke formation temperature. It should be below 6000C. However, for obtaining the required color of the smoked product requires a longer smoking time, which may be associated with high product mass losses. The smoking temperature should drop below 5000C, as under such conditions the color and taste of the smoked product will be weak expressed Purposeful moistening of the cod did not lead to a decrease of surfactant content in hot smoked meat products, because the relationship between the moisture content of the cod and the content of PAH in the product was not established. The use of a removable cellulose coating significantly reduced the content of PAHs in hot-smoked meat products, since most of the PAHs (BaP: 77%; PAH4: 61%) remained in the coating and did not penetrate into the inner layers of the meat product. In contrast, phenolic compounds, which are of great importance for the formation of the desired aroma of the product, were almost completely (approximately 99%) penetrated into the product.


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How to Cite

Приліпко, Т. М., & Кузьмінська, І. М. (2024). WAYS TO MINIMIZE THE CONTENT OF POLYCYCLIC AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS IN SMOKED SAUSAGE PRODUCTS. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (6), 159-166. https://doi.org/10.32782/tnv-tech.2023.6.18

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