



authenticity, nutrients, confectionery, shulyky, carob, flaxseed, wheat bran, innovation


Ancient confectionery products occupy a special place in the Ukrainian culinary heritage. Reproducing the recipe of shulyky in the restaurant industry is an important task. The article presents a study of the history, technology and cultural significance of shulyky, as well as their implementation in modern conditions, which is of great importance for a deep understanding of the Ukrainian culinary heritage and the enrichment of the modern gastronomic picture. Experimental studies of elasticity, active acidity and microscopy of the dough made it possible to predict the influence of ingredients on the taste, porosity and quality of finished products. A comparative characteristic of the nutritional value, moisture and organoleptic indicators of shulyky was carried out. The use of modern ingredients and processing methods made it possible to preserve the authentic taste and increase the nutritional value of the products. As a result of the experiments, new recipes were developed that successfully combine traditions and modern technologies. The influence of ingredients that positively affect the indicators of quantitative and qualitative composition, making the products more balanced and nutritious in terms of nutrient composition, is shown. Experimental data indicate an improvement in the texture and consistency of shulyky. To create a new shulyky recipe, carob, flax, and wheat bran were added to the dough, and flavor harmony was also created by decorating with various creams: caramel-custard, creamcheese, and lemon curd. The introduction of new plant ingredients and improved shulyky manufacturing technologies will increase their appeal among modern consumers, while preserving traditional components and flavors. Changes in the recipe and appearance make shulyky more relevant and interesting for the new generation, contributing to the revival of authentic Ukrainian dishes in modern cooking.


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How to Cite

Ляхович, П. С., Нєміріч, О. В., Кузьмін, О. В., Мамченко, Л. Є., Наконечна, А. С., & Мурзін, А. В. (2024). APTATION OF TECHNOLOGY OF ANCIENT CONFECTIONERY PRODUCTS IN THE RESTAURANT INDUSTRY. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (6), 198-207. https://doi.org/10.32782/tnv-tech.2024.6.22

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