


confectionery products, dye, berry raw materials


The article examines the issue of changing the quality characteristics of semi-finished biscuits due to the use of non-traditional components, namely natural dyes based on berry raw materials. The need for preliminary modeling is shown in order to predict the expected positive result. At the beginning of the research, the standard quality indicators defined by the national regulatory documentation are summarized and indicated: organoleptic, physicochemical, microbiological and toxicological. It was analyzed which positions could change, namely the cross-sectional view, taste, smell, mass fraction of moisture and sugar, as well as all normalized microbiological and toxicological indicators. It is worth noting that the quality characteristics of the semi-finished product depend on the method of introducing the ingredients to the recipe and their properties. It was concluded that this is related to the conditions of cultivation, processing of berry raw materials and the selected technological parameters for the production of semifinished biscuit. The best option is the creation of dry dyes that will not affect the technological parameters, but alternatively, the possibility of using concoctions based on berry raw materials is considered. Ways to improve quality characteristics have been singled out by conducting a number of experimental studies: determining the time and intensity of mixing the components of the recipe; determining the duration, temperature and relative humidity of the air during baking; assessment of the influence of the amount of dye on the alkalinity of the medium; study of the parameters of decoction production to exclude the entry of pathogenic microflora into food products. This will allow to determine the optimal technological parameters of the developed range of confectionery products. It is recommended to use modern methods of determining the structural and mechanical properties of the biscuit semi-finished product in the process of testing and to analyze the results with a comparison of the modern experience of scientists in the use of purees and powders from vegetable raw materials in this type of product.


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How to Cite

Дзюндзя, О. В., Воєвода, Н. В., & Мальчевська, К. В. (2024). MODERN TECHNOLOGICAL FEATURES OF BISCUIT CONFECTIONERY PRODUCTS PRODUCTION. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (2), 124-130.

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