


preserves, recipe, jam, dandelion flowers.


The article is devoted to the topical issue of the development of new functional food products from non-traditional plant raw materials. The use of dandelion as a plant with medicinal properties is justified by the expected positive effect on the human body in case of regular consumption. Analysis of the latest research on the ways of using this culture pointed to developments in the bakery, confectionery industries and in the production of soft drinks. In canning, there is the development of fruit jelly from dandelion flowers, as well as the practice of using its extract as an antioxidant. In the case of using a plant as the main raw material, you can get a new product with a functional purpose, in particular canned food “Dandelion jam”. It was determined that the quantitative ratio of components, their nomenclature and the method of preparation before processing can affect the quality characteristics of the assortment. As a negative result of research, it is possible to have an unacceptable appearance of canned goods due to a dark shade or an unacceptable flavor and aroma composition. As a prototype in the process of developing the recipe, tea rose petal jam was taken, since we use dandelion flowers as the main raw material to prevent the bitter taste of food products. In the process of developing “Dandelion Jam” preserves, six recipe variations were proposed. Among them, the fourth sample with lemon and orange had the best organoleptic properties. During the experimental study, it was determined that the color of the finished product varies from yellow to caramel, depending on the duration of cooking and the expected result. The sensory properties of the resulting jam resemble floral liquid honey. Pieces of citrus enhance positive visual perception. Prospects for further research are the determination of technological processing parameters that affect the technical sterility and shelf life of canned goods.


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How to Cite

Дзюндзя, О. В., Воєвода, Н. В., & Ковдрин, В. І. (2024). DEVELOPMENT OF THE RECIPE COMPOSITION OF CANS FOR THE FUNCTIONAL PURPOSE “DANDELION JAM”. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (4), 222-226.

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