organoleptic assessment, fish, minced meat, structure, taste, color, vegetable supplementAbstract
The results of the study of hygroscopic properties and thermodynamic analysis of cryopreservation fish objects with the use of herbal powder additives are given. The studied samples were mincemeat from pike perch and carp. in accordance with the plan of experimental research, appropriately prepared white cabbage powder, obtained by convective drying, was added to the resulting minced meat. It was established that the introduction of a dry additive in one or another percentage ratio leads to a decrease in free moisture in the mixture due to its partial binding of the experimental additive. The upper limit of the content of the additive in the mixture is limited by two indicators, on the one hand, by the maximum sorption capacity of the additive (hygroscopic moisture), and on the other hand, by sensory evaluation, since when a certain content of the dry component is exceeded, the indicators of the obtained semi-finished product may differ radically from the model sample. In order to justify and recommend the amount of adding powdered white cabbage to the minced meat mixture, an organoleptic evaluation of the quality of the ready-made semi-finished products was carried out in comparison with the control sample.Since the basic characteristics for each class of requirements have different units of measurement, for the convenience of solving the tasks, for example, for the unification of indicators of technology and quality of finished products, which depend on various factors, all units of measurement are reduced to a dimensionless form using entropy evaluation of quality indicators, which allows them to be compared and connected with each other, which is especially important in the complex design of multi-component and multi-phase food systems. In the context of this study, it is enough to consider the satisfactorily, primarily organoleptic requirements for a food product. From the given data, it follows that for the rational implementation of the processes of obtaining frozen semi-finished products, as well as the preservation of their organoleptic indicators, the relative content of the vegetable additive should be in the range from 15 to 20% of the mass of dry substances of the native minced meat.
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