fish, minced meat, traditional recipe, amino acid, dry milk, recipeAbstract
The results of the study of the use of stuffed fish from oceanic species in the technology of protein products of soy milk and “Biovita” are given. The introduction of soy protein products and “Biovita” into the formulation helps to further increase the fat-holding capacity when using all the studied fish. In comparison with the standard recipe, the greatest increase in VUS under the influence of the introduced additives is observed in mincemeat made from hake: with the addition of soy flour – by 15%, soy texture – by 18.6%; the least – in samples prepared from carp, by 8.4% and 11.1%, respectively. Of particular interest is the content of essential amino acids, which as a result of heat treatment decreased by 8.6% in the traditional recipe, in the recipe with skim milk powder by 5.0%, in samples with soy flour by 6.6%, with soy texture – by 7.0%. The greatest loss of essential amino acids in the traditional recipe was for cystine 19.5%, methionine – 18.4%, valine – 11.8%, lysine, threonine, leucine – within 8%. The smallest losses of essential amino acids were established for samples with soy texture. They did not exceed 10%. In general, it should be noted that the introduction of dry milk into the recipe does not have a significant effect on the content of essential amino acids; the use of skimmed milk powder instead of whole milk increases the content of cystine, methionine – by 17%, isoleucine – by 12.0%, valine – by 8.8% in the recipe compared to the traditional recipe. Calculation of amino acid malt showed a better balance of amino acids in the obtained products. The amino acid valine predominates in stuffed fish, the amino acid number according to the traditional recipe is 78, in samples with powdered milk the amino acid number of valine is 85, with soy flour – 86, with soy texture 87, with “Biovita” – 88. It is worth noting the fact that that in the samples with the addition of "Biovit" the balance of amino acids is the most “optimal”.
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