


salting mixture, casings, intestinal raw materials, bellies, blues, lactic acid, sausage, preserving solution


The results of research on the development of technology for preserving intestinal casings using substances that prevent the appearance of defects and contribute to the improvement of organoleptic characteristics of casings during storage under uncontrolled temperature conditions (up to +250C), as well as the assessment of the impact of preserving casings on the quality characteristics of finished sausage products are presented. Studies of fresh intestinal casings have shown that in terms of organoleptic, microbiological, microstructural and structural-mechanical characteristics they comply with the current technical conditions and veterinary and sanitary requirements for food products. It was established that all experimental samples of intestines preserved with salt with the addition of citric acid at a concentration of 1 and 2% by weight of salt (experiments 1, 2), lactic acid at a concentration of 2 and 5% by weight of brine (experiments 4, 5), sorbic acid (1%) (experiment 3) and acetic acid (0.5% and 1%) with smoke flavoring (1% by weight of brine) (experiment 10, I), in all investigated indicators, met the requirements of the Technical Specifications. Experimental samples of intestines treated with preserving mixtures using lactic acid "PURAK" produced by the company "Biohim" (1 and 2%) in combination with smoke flavoring (1%) and table salt (experiments 6, 7), as well as using lactic acid. "PURAK" (1 and 2%) in combination with sodium chloride (experiments 8, 9) had minor signs of spoilage (turbidity and sliminess of the brine), which were easily eliminated by flushing the intestines with water. Samples preserved with salt mixtures using "PURAK" lactic acid in combination with smoking liquid and table salt (experiments 6, 7) and preserved with salt in combination with "PURAK" lactic acid in concentrations of 1 and 2% (experiments 8, 9), due to After 3 months of storage, they acquired a musty rotten smell, a slimy coating, large colonies of green and black mold, the shells broke at the slightest water pressure All samples were removed from storage. Pork and lamb bellies preserved with a salt mixture containing 2% lactic acid according to GOST 490-79, 1% smoking flavoring, 25% table salt and water (experiment 4), as well as 5% of the same acid, 2% smoking flavoring, 25% salt and water (experiment 5), after 3 months of storage acquired a musty rotten smell, brine got cloudy The intestines became covered with mold and were removed from the experiment. Beef bellies and blue cheese preserved with the same mixtures had a brownish-beige color, a weak smell of lactic acid, and the preservative solution had no visible quality defects.


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How to Cite

Приліпко, Т. М. (2024). DEVELOPMENT OF BARRIER TECHNOLOGY FOR PRESERVING NATURAL INTESTINAL MEMBRANES. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (5), 225-232.

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