


sanitary and hygienic requirements, food industry, food safety, control, quality, regulatory and technical documents


Setting objectives. The article studies sanitary and hygienic requirements for food enterprises in Ukraine and in the EU countries. Sanitary and hygienic requirements for food industry enterprises are an important aspect of ensuring food safety and protecting consumer health. In the context of globalization and integration into the international economic structure, the issue of food quality and safety standards is gaining special importance for many countries, including Ukraine. The European Union has long introduced comprehensive measures to ensure high standards of food safety, which are the basis of national systems in the EU member states. However, in Ukraine, hygienic and sanitary requirements for food industry enterprises are changing with the transition to European standards and bringing legislation into line with EU requirements. At the same time, ensuring proper control and compliance with these requirements is directly related not only to public health, but also to the competitiveness of Ukrainian food products in international markets. The strengths and weaknesses of the existing Ukrainian legislative system in the field of sanitary and hygienic requirements for food enterprises are identified. The regulatory and technical documents that control the safety of food production are presented, as well as the main requirements for food enterprises. Research results. According to the conducted study of sanitary and hygienic requirements for food enterprises, it can be concluded that Ukraine needs to improve management and monitoring systems, especially at the municipal level, to ensure more effective implementation of hygiene requirements. It is necessary to improve the qualifications and equipment of enterprises, that is, to create favorable conditions for small enterprises to fully implement the HACCP system and ensure high standards of hygiene and sanitation. Thus, the main difference between the sanitary and hygienic requirements of Ukraine and the EU is that the EU has stricter rules and control, which ensures a high level of food safety. Conclusions. Ukraine has the potential to improve its own system based on the experience of the EU. Food safety requirements in Ukraine and the EU are similar, but the EU has a stricter and centralized control system, and technical regulations are more detailed and standardized. Ukraine must improve its control systems and increase accountability and transparency at all stages of food production and storage to fully comply with European quality standards.


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How to Cite

Горач, О. О. (2024). RESEARCH OF SANITARY AND HYGIENE REQUIREMENTS FOR FOOD ENTERPRISES IN UKRAINE AND IN EU COUNTRIES. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (6), 167-173.

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