bread, powder, dried carrots, wheat flour, qualityAbstract
A study was conducted to determine the effect of dried carrot powder on the quality of bread made from premium wheat flour. Bread made from premium wheat flour without the addition of dried carrot powder was characterized by a flat surface and a medium-medium convex crust shape, the crust color was light brown. The crust shape of bread made from premium wheat flour without the use of dried carrot powder in an amount of 2 and 4% of the flour mass was mediumconvex (4 points), and bread with a content of 6, 8 and 10% of dried carrot powder was convex (5 points). The crust surface of bread made from premium wheat flour produced without the addition of dried carrot powder and with the use of this additive in an amount of 2% of the flour mass was flat. Bread made with the addition of dried table carrot powder in the amount of 4, 6, 8 and 10% of the flour mass had a smooth crust surface. The crust color according to the experiment variants, depending on the amount of dried table carrot powder used, changed from light brown (4 points) to brown with a ruddy tint in bread made from premium wheat flour with the use of dried table carrot powder in the amount of 6, 8 and 10% of the flour mass (5 points). The use of dried table carrot powder had a significant effect on the crumb characteristics of bread made from premium wheat flour. Thus, bread baked from premium wheat flour had a white crumb color (5 points). Bread made from wheat flour with the addition of 2 and 4% of dried carrot powder had a white with a yellowish tinge, softer color (5 points). When the additive added to 6 ... 10% was increased, the finished product acquired a color from yellowish (5 points) to orange (4 points). The acidity of bread made from wheat flour was within the normal range and according to the experiment options was 2.4 ... 3 degrees. It is recommended to use dried carrot powder in the production of bread in the amount of 4 ... 8% of the flour mass with a non-mixed dough method.
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