


semi-finished biscuit, repast, currants, powder, biological value, flour confectionery


The industry produces a diverse range of flour confectionery products, in particular, cakes, pastries, the basis of which is a biscuit semi-finished product. Taking into account the physiological needs of modern man and the shortage of material resources, the rational use of the available plant base for the purpose of producing products of increased biological value is relevant. The purpose of this work is to investigate promising ingredients for the production of functional biscuit semi-finished products. Analyzing the assortment of agricultural crops, it was established that promising sources of nutrients are varieties of currants, namely, currants and red currants, which have immunomodulating and antioxidant properties. When developing the technology of the biscuit semi-finished product, the results of research into the physical and chemical properties of food powders from local raw materials (currants, rapis), fats, chicken eggs were taken into account; the influence of traditional raw materials on the structure of dough and products and the need to remove easily digestible sugars and fats containing saturated fatty acids. Based on the results of research, it was established that the maximum permissible concentration of powders is 8%. When combining different ratios of powders, the sample containing 4% currants and 4% repsi was the most balanced in taste. It was established that the introduction of this amount of powders has a positive effect on the rheological parameters of the biscuit semi-finished product. It was established that when food powders were added to the test sample, the specific volume increased by 10.88% and the porosity by 10.49%. Microbiological studies confirmed the microbiological safety of the developed biscuit semifinished products. the absence of BGKSH (coliforms), pathogenic microorganisms, yeasts and molds was established. So, it was established that the addition of currants and red currants makes it possible to economically use available resources and enrich confectionery with biologically active components of berries that have immunomodulating and antioxidant properties.


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How to Cite

Дзюндзя, О. В., & Епанов, С. С. (2023). PROSPECTS FOR EXPANDING THE RANGE OF FUNCTIONAL PURPOSE CONFECTIONERY PRODUCTS. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (4), 110-117.

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