


oyster mushroom powder, tomato powder, pasta, quality


The article presents the problem of rational and balanced nutrition, which is one of the important tasks of today. Many scientific developments are aimed at human health and various measures are being taken to improve it, but there is a need to expand the range of special purpose products. It is important to note that vegetable and berry powders, which are concentrates of raw materials, allow to enrich dishes with the necessary nutrients. The purpose of this work is to study the possibility of production of craft pasta from local raw materials and to study the effect of fine powders of oyster mushrooms and tomatoes on the quality of pasta in dosages of 1… 5% by weight of flour. During the literature review the products of different brands were considered. It is analyzed that the addition of buckwheat to pasta allows to meet the body’s need for fiber, which promotes the excretion of toxic substances and radionuclides, improves metabolism. During the study, generally accepted methods and techniques were used, raw materials met the requirements of quality and safety. The influence of vegetable powders of different dispersion on the quality of pasta, the method of application of these powders and the method of application of powders has been studied. But for all pasta with vegetable powders during cooking is characterized by a partial loss of color, which gives them the additive. With increasing dosage of powders, the products have a smoother surface, gain strength, reduce the number of microcracks, improve glassiness in breakage. Acidity is within normal limits. Increasing the dosage of vegetable powders helps to improve the cooking properties, increase the coefficients of weight and volume compared to the control. It is obvious that with the introduction of these additives increases the content of dietary fiber in pasta, which improves the ability of products to swell. It is concluded that the dosage of vegetable mushroom and tomato powders during the production of pasta is 1… 3% by weight of flour. These powders have a positive effect on the strength, condition of the surface and the preservation of the shape of pasta after cooking, the color of which they acquire under the conditions of powder application. It is important to note that this makes it possible to process flour with an increased ability to darken.


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How to Cite

Дзюндзя, О., & Шинкарук, М. (2021). INFLUENCE OF VEGETABLE POWDER ON THE QUALITY OF PASTA. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (3), 72-78.

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